Many don't purchase Travel Insurance because of money. Yes, there's an additional cost to add on Travel Insurance. But travel insurance is just like car, rental/homeowners, medical's there, JUST IN CASE. Although, when planning your trip or vacation you are not planning to have to miss or cut it short. Life has unexpected challenges that happens and isn't it better to be safe than sorry?
Benefits and options:
Like with all insurance plans there are different coverages but here are some benefits to peace of mind protection:
Global 24/7 Assistance:
As a Travel planner my agency do our best to be accessible when our clients are traveling for an occurrences that could pop up. But there are times like 12am-7am we could be unreachable. With Travel Insurance you have access to help around the clock for emergencies such as lost passports or finding a local clinic or hospital for medical care.
Medical Benefits overseas:
Very few, if any, Employer offered medical plans cover you for travel outside the United States. If you're disabled or a senior citizen... Medicare offers NO COVERAGE! So what happens if you trip and fall, have a heart attack, have an allergic reaction to something or just plain get sick? Without Travel Insurance you will have to pay out of pocket AND upfront for any medical care that you need. If you are seriously ill or injured and need to fly home immediately the cost of the new flight(s) and accommodations are YOUR responsibility. And if you can't fly commercially and have to be flown privately, which can start at $100,000-and can not be billed out, it must be paid upfront.
Please keep in mind that if you are seriously ill or injured most airlines will not allow you fly with them, so your only options could be to fly privately.
Delayed bag(s):
If baggage is delayed more than 24 hours you could be reimbursed for the essential items that you need.
Flight Delays 6 hours or more:
You could receive reimbursement for meals, hotel stay TRANSPORTATION to and from airport.
Lost Baggage/Damaged Baggage:
It happens unfortunately. Airlines have limited liability, so it's up to the consumer to replace. With Travel Insurance you can be covered for reimbursement.
Trip Interruption:
In the event of you needing to end your trip due to emergency to you or your family back home, your destination becomes inhabitable or travel supplier no longer in business your unused portion if travel could be eligible for reimbursement.
Missed Connection:
Things happen and missing a flight or cruise is not unheard of. Weather can delay us, transportation, even ourselves can slow us down. Such delays could cause you to miss your entire trip! With Trip Insurance you can be reimbursed the cost of replacement tickets and travel to get to Destination or to catch up with missed ship at their next port stop.
Trip Delay: Flights are cancelled or redirected all the time, documents lost and even stolen; what happens if it happens to you? Without insurance you have to pay the costs of lodging, meals etc while you wait. With Travel Insurance you can be reimbursed for stolen or lost documents, expenses for meals and hotel.
This is not a scare tactic but information to help your Travel be as safe and stress free as possible.
Ask questions that's what we are here for. It's YOUR decision to purchase or decline coverage. But know before you go.
For International and vacations 2 weeks and longer we suggest you make sure to purchase a plan that includes ALL the before motioned options.
Copyright Royality Designs Travel, RDTravel, Royal Travel Agent, Travel with Class, Travel With Classi